I spent Erev Rosh Hashanah at HUC, singing in choir. It was a bit weird for me. It was my first time in five years not being at my home congregation. When I was in college, I never came home for the holidays, but it was a bit different. When I was in high school, I didn't really care about Judaism, which meant that I didn't really feel any sort of attachment to my home synagogue at the time, so I was completely open to celebrating the holidays with my new community at Berkeley. In the five years that I was home between college and cantorial school, I did form an attachment to the community at my synagogue, especially the choir, so it was very hard to be away. But it was nice nonetheless. It was awesome seeing my friends lead parts of the service. They all sounded beautiful. As for the sermon, it turns out that Rosh Hashanah is also the new year for vegetables. The rabbi kept mentioning "vegetable love." I think that needs to become a thing.
For the first day of Rosh Hashanah, I went to Shira Hadasha, the feminist Orthodox congregation that I mentioned previously. It was pretty awesome. I didn't get there quite at the beginning of the service, but I got there early enough that they were able to find a seat for me, which is good because if I had gotten there later I probably would have been standing the whole time. It turns out that even in Orthodox communities, HHDs are the most attended services of the year. It was a nice service. It was my first time ever attending an Orthodox HHD service. It was an experience. The service order for some reason made a lot more sense to me than the service order in the current Reform machzor (HHD prayerbook), Gates of Repentance. That may change when the new one comes out. There were several places where the shofar is blown. There was the specific shofar service, where it was blown a bunch of times with some prayers. Then, there were the three different sections that I am familiar with; the Reform movement uses these sections as the shofar service, whereas the Orthodox put them in the Musaf Amidah repetition. After ever section in this part, they sang the cool Chassidic Areshet S'fateinu that we used to sing in my synagogue only after the third section. They also did a bunch of shofar blowing at the end of the service.
I have a lot of respect for the guy blowing the shofar. He had to blow it a lot! In Orthodox services, much of what I consider to be the most interesting liturgy is actually in the repetition of the Musaf Amidah. For example, Unetaneh Tokef, the really scary judgement day one that ends with the "on Rosh Hashanah it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed" thing. Apparently many Israeli congregations do a melody written by Yair Rosenbloom. He's one of the people who wrote my favorite Israeli song, "Shir Lashalom." He wrote this Unetaneh Tokef after the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The melody beautifully illustrates the text. And it seems like EVERY Israeli knows it. I couldn't believe how many people were singing along. In my experience, it's usually been more of a cantor/choir prayer. So powerful. I will admit that while I recognized much of the liturgy, there were some parts of the service that confused me. For example, there were a lot of piyutim within both Amidah repetitions that were done out loud, while much of the text that I grew up thinking was the most important was done either b'lachash (silently) or just chanted quickly by the service leader. That being said, I was able to follow along and participating in a surprisingly large amount of the service. I recognized things like HHD nusach, and most of the Torah service, and "staples" like Avinu Malkeinu. It was overall a wonderful service, and I'm so glad I decided to have a more traditional experience, since I will most likely never have the opportunity to have a traditional HHD experience ever again.
For the second day of Rosh Hashanah, I prayed with a Jewish Renewal congregation called Nava Tehila. My friend was playing mandolin, and I had wanted to pray with them anyway, so this was a great opportunity. This congregation writes much of its own music, and it's very mantra like. And it works. It gives those of us who don't know the melodies an opportunity to catch on. This was good, because I didn't really know any of the melodies, other than the standard nusach and I think maybe Avinu Malkeinu (or another one of those prayers that you just can't get away with not doing the "traditional" melody). The service was held in a tent in the Jerusalem Nature Museum, i.e. outside. Allergies aside, it was a nice atmosphere. For both of the silent Amidahs (Shacharit and Musaf), they basically gave us time to meditate. They sent us to the far reaching corners of the museum and allowed us to either use the words on the page or to just sit and be, which was nice and relaxing. They also gave us a lot of time for reflection and discussion with our neighbors. The also did group aliyot. I wish I could remember what they were, but I did go up for one of them. The rabbi was also really awesome. Everything she said just made me want to take a deep breath and take a look at the world around me. There were a couple motifs throughout the service. One of them had to do with the things you wanted to change about yourself, your community, and the world. The other had to do with present, past, and future (in that order). One of the coolest parts of the service was at the end where they brought everyone into the center of the tent, and we sang this piyut called Hayom (today). It was overall a nice experience, and I was glad that I had the opportunity to do something completely different from what I am used to. There were also plenty of delicious classmate potlucks. So happy to have found a community here.
Before I talk about Yom Kippur, I would be remiss if I didn't at least mention Shabbat Shuvah (the Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), since it was my first "official" HUC service (official meaning the first one that counted as one of the services I'm supposed to lead). I led it with a good friend of mine. It was my first time ever leading as Shabbat Shacharit service without guitar, but I was able to incorporate some of the things that I learned both as a camp songleader and from leading minyan at home, and I got to use some awesome new music as well. I had fun leading. I used to get really nervous while leading services. I still do, but now mostly just beforehand. The nerves go away the second I start singing. Which I believe has to do with kavanah and text and all of those things that I as a future cantor think about. And also, since my perception of G-d changes from minute to minute, I'm going to say it has something to do with G-d, like I'm connecting with G-d or something. Also, leading services was something that I always did recreationally, and it finally dawned on me that this is part of what I'm going to be doing for a living. It blows my mind. Wow, that was way too introspective for the interwebs, and this is more of an experience blog than an innermost personal thought blog, so I'm going to just stop here and give you a picture of a delicious round challah.
Yom Kippur in Israel was interesting. For one thing, they just stopped daylight savings time. There's actually a big argument going on in Israeli society about this, which we touched upon in Hebrew class. All of the secular Israelis are against going back to standard time so early because it wastes energy, but many of the more observant Israelis want to change the time before Yom Kippur because the fast ends earlier. I have to agree with the secular Israelis on that one. Yes, the fast ends earlier, but it also starts earlier. My friends and I ate dinner at around 3pm. So early! And, Yom Kippur services start early because Kol Nidrei is basically a legal document, and you can't talk about legal stuff on a holiday, so it ends up being a really long fast anyway.
For Erev Yom Kippur (AKA Kol Nidrei), I was back at HUC. In addition to singing in choir, I got to lead most of the Vidui (confessional) part of the service. Among other things, I got to sing the piece that I auditioned with, so that was nice. It was a prayerful experience. I also got to see some more of my extraordinarily talented classmates lead other parts of the service. I have a great class. After services, a bunch of us went to this street called Emek Refayim for a walk. Apparently, it's a "thing" in Israel. It's normally a very busy street. On Yom Kippur, it is still busy, but with people, not cars. So, that was quite fun. Also, on Yom Kippur in Israel all the secular people ride bicycles, especially the kids, and it's gotten to a point where people have jokingly referred to it as Chag Ha'Ofanayim (Bicycle Holiday). So, we saw a lot of that.
After that, four of us went to the park to play on the swings. I may technically be an adult, but I'm still a kid at heart. Then, three of us went to the intersection of King George and Agron, which is one of the busiest intersections in Jerusalem. It's so busy that crossing the street here adds a good five minutes to my commute to school. I can't speak for all of Israel because I haven't seen it, but in Jerusalem, NO ONE drives on Yom Kippur, not even the secular Israelis. The only cars on the streets that I saw were the occasional ambulance and also special shuttles that went to and from the hospitals (there are no taxis or buses on Yom Kippur, so people need some way to visit their loved ones). So, what did we do? We sat right down in the middle of the intersection and chilled for a while. Yup, just sat right down. It was easily one of the coolest things I've ever done. I most likely feel this way because I am very much a goody-two-shoes, and I guess this had an element of badness to it, but whatever, don't burst my happiness bubble. But it was also cool from a "for the first time in my life I'm living in a country where the majority of the people celebrate the same holidays as I do" perspective.
I was at HUC for the entirety of Yom Kippur, which meant having the chance to see even more classmates lead parts of the service. I'm not going to comment on the services themselves because, honestly, the best part of the services was having the chance to see my classmates lead. There was this one part of the morning service called Zeicher L'musaf (the Reform service does not include musaf. . . I shall have to find out why), and I've never actually looked at the part of Gates of Repentance that they used, so I probably could not tell you what was going on, but it involved a lot of singing awesomeness and insightful classmate speaking awesomeness, and it was pretty much entirely led by HUC students. Let's just say that I am very proud to call these people my classmates.
It didn't feel like all that long of a day, probably because I had many classmates to chill with in between services. It was also a much easier fast than the past couple of years have been. Not sure why. Possibly because I was singing a lot less (even though I did more leading, the choir was not singing for as many services). This whole fasting thing is something that I would like to figure out while I'm in school so that I don't have to worry about it as much later on. I'm extremely uncomfortable with the idea of not fasting and haven't not fasted since I decided I liked Judaism again, but it's hard to be lightheaded while singing. I can deal with it while singing in choir, but my hope is that I will one day get a job as a cantor. There has to be a trick to this. . . I did lead a good chunk of the Ne'ilah service (the last service of the day, means "locking" in Hebrew, a metaphor having to do with the physical manifestation of "gates" of repentance, and also being inscribed in the Book of Life) and felt fine, so maybe it won't be so bad. . .
We pretty much all ran downstairs for our bagel break fast after services were over. I hope that all of my wonderful friends and family also had fabulous HHD experiences.